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Anne Smith
Bird on Red
Gouache, ink
12,7 x 10 cm


American artist Anne Smith is a painter and illustrator currently residing in London. She holds two degrees in Ceramics, a BFA from Boston University in 1980 and a MFA from Alfred University in New York in 1990. From 1980 until 1993 she maintained a ceramics studio in Cambridge, Massachusetts and produced richly painted porcelain vessels, decorated with varied patterns and colours.

Anne works mainly with watercolours on paper, developing an antique technique derived from Persian and Indian miniature painting. “Pigments ground into painting, burnished with agate; simmered walnut reduced to ink, paper stained with tea… these tasks rekindled an interest in materials and process instilled by my formative years spent as a ceramicist”.



Smith’s paintings are delicate, light and detailed, created with colour-saturated pigments, gouache, shell gold and ink; her compositions are often abstract, made of abstruse signs and calligraphies that refer to enigmatic, invented manuals.




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